Nov 8, 2006

Wednesday Night Caption Contest

It's that time again, and since the Dems have control of Congress, the chances for legalization have been upgraded to just higher than a snowball's chance in hell...So I present this week's caption pic. Post your captions in the comments section below.

Here's mine:

"Man, it was horrible! That guy in the bee costume kept trying to pollenate with me!"

The winner of last week's contest was CleverName, who was judged solely on length (like most contests he's involved in), with the caption: "Whoa, check out the fairway on her!
I wouldn't mind getting lost in her rough, if you know what I mean...
I wouldn't mind getting caught in her sandtrap, if you know what I mean...
I wouldn't mind giving her a double bogey, if you know what I mean...
I wouldn't mind replacing her divot, if you know what I mean...
I wouldn't mind...well, you know what I mean."


Anonymous said...

Dominos Pizza finally taps into its key demographic

Anonymous said...

Dude, where's the car?

Anonymous said...

I don't know dude - I thought for sure we'd pull the chics after we had our teeth bleached and veneered....

CleverName said...

I'm thinking Arby's

Anonymous said...

Well, if you're gonna re-hash an old caption contest photo, then I'm gonna re-hash the caption that Russell B. wrote for it:

"Hey, man, don't take it so hard. So what if the Washington Freedom already have a mascot? We'll just move to San Antonio and see if we can get the Spurs to change their name to the Bad-Ass Pot-Smokin' Mother Fuckers Who Smoke Pot. Are you WITH ME!?"

Normally, I wouldn't do that. But we've had that printed out and hanging on our office wall for years.

Anonymous said...

Correction: Russell B's original caption has been found, and reads as follows:

"Hey, man, don't take it so hard. So the Washington Freedom already have a mascot. Maybe we can see if the Spurs wouild be willing to change to...I don't know..."The San Antonio Kick-Ass Pot-Smokin' Mother Fuckers that KICK ASS! Are you WITH ME!?"

But you have to admit, I got pretty close going by memory.