Nov 19, 2006

The weekend

Yesterday, I had a very interesting triple feature of sorts. Casino Royale in the afternoon, a very heavy yet very good play called the Pillowman at the Nightengale Theater and Plan 9 From Outer Space at the Circle Cinema midnight movie. As a bonus, still hopped up on the Mr.Pibb at Plan 9, I went home and watched DVRed Robot Chicken until I was ready to fall asleep.

Friday night I worked the door, and yet again I had another one of those bizarre circumstances. You see, when you pay a cover at Arnie's, the money is going to the band, not the bar. Friday night, A guy came in, I asked for the three bucks, and he explained to me through sign language that he was deaf. So, if he can't hear the band, should I really charge him to see them? He was only coming in for one beer, so I didn't charge him. But seriously, what should be the protocol on something like that?

Another little thing that happened to me while working at the door that I haven't mentioned in the blog. Last Friday, a man came up to the door asking for directions to another club. Pretty innocuous, except for the fact that the guy used to be the fucking MAYOR, and the place he was asking about was five blocks from his old office! Is it any wonder why he didn't get re-elected?

Today, I think I'll skip my normal Sunday ritual of sitting on my ass watching TV and playing video poker. I'm gonna clean my car, maybe snap a few photos, and not come home until it's time for the Simpsons. Annnnnndddd, I'm OFF!

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