Nov 16, 2006

From the Bush School of Diplomacy

This is camera phone footage of a student at UCLA getting repeatedly tased by campus police, simply for refusing to stand up when he was asked. Wanna know something else? according to the site that I first saw this video, the kid is of Iranian descent.

Apparently it doesn't require a gun for a cop to be a little too trigger happy. I'm gonna follow this story as it unfolds from here on out, anxiously awaiting the announcement that the cops involved will be sent to "sensitivity training". Listen, I know recruitment numbers are down, but maybe people wouldn't be so freaked out by the cops if they did a little more on the front end to weed out these kind of whack-jobs. If you need to be told not to give 10,000 volts to a kid for not wanting to stand up, or just for being non-white, maybe you shouldn't be in that position of power.

Sick, just sick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see others are noticing this - come talk about it!

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