Nov 8, 2005

Better than CATS

Sorry to both my loyal fans out there, but the posts are gonna be sparce this week. Same thing goes for the fictional blog. I should've known better than to pick this week to introduce a major plot point on THAT storyline. No Worries, though. By Sunday night, I should have a whole palette load of posts for both blogs.

I'm working hard helping out at the Nightingale Theater running sound for On The Verge, starting this Thursday night. It's a great play, and I hope you can check it out.

What started out as a simple poster design has expanded into sound cues, title card presentation and house lights. Sounds simple, but it all has to be done in mind-numbing frequency and deadly accuracy. Can Fritschie make it? Tune in to find out.

I'll have a break in the schedule on Sunday, maybe then, I'll catch all you up on the happenin's in my life.

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