Jun 26, 2007

I gotta waive my right to party

I was supposed to be throwing a party on July 7th. I was hoping for it to be a great time. I had a great theme, a perfect plan, and all of the best intentions, and then the forces of the universe conspired to ruin it all before anything could really happen. I now have been forced to cancel the party. Shit.

It was bad enough that most of the invitees would be out of town and/or have a gig to play, but there were two straws that broke the camel's back:

1) Two days after I sent out the e-vites to the party, my boss told me that a big project would be coming in on the 6th, and it would need to be completed by the 9th. There went that weekend. However, the party would still be doable if it hadn't been for...

2) Last night, my friend Mary called me to let me know that she and Amy had been offered a gig at the Mercury Lounge that night. No party of mine takes priority over a paying gig, and besides, it wouldn't be the same without them there.

So, maybe I'll reschedule the party for sometime in August. Fingers crossed.

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