Jun 22, 2007

Outraged yet?

Paris Hilton spends less than a month in jail, and NBC is gonna pay her $1 million for her first interview after her release. There are people starving in this country, there are injustices carried out every day, there are wars being fought, people are dying, and a woman who is already worth millions upon millions of dollars, for which she has not earned one penny, is getting paid more than I would make in a lifetime to talk about being held in county lockup for less than a month for driving on a suspended license.

See, this is why the aliens haven't landed and shared their wisdom and technology with us. Because they know we, as a society, are fucking morons who wouldn't know an a real news story unless it was made into a major motion picture with the star getting paid $20 million. Even then, the movie wouldn't make much money because that star wasn't Lindsay Lohan or Larry the Cable Guy.

I guarantee you, the day cancer is cured, it'll be a minor bulletpoint in the news while shit like this will get the banner headline.

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