Jan 27, 2006

$187.00 worth of stupid

I got to work this morning and started up all of the computers...only I couldn't get the laptop to start up. I had to make a run to our output bureau, and I took the laptop with me to have their tech guy take a look at it. It turned out that the battery was run out, and the charger was dead. He recommended Radio Shack for a replacement plug. They had one that would plug into an outlet, a cigarette lighter and into a airplane plug...all for $120. Too rich for my blood.

I figured I'd get a better price at the Mac repair shop we normally go to, and that was a good call. A new plug was $35. I paid for it and started to leave

Then I did the stupidest thing I've ever done. I flung my notebook case over my shoulder...forgetting to zip it closed first. The laptop flew about five feet and hit the concrete floor. Good thing I was at a repair shop. The mac tech and I picked up the laptop and carried it like a baby over to the counter. We plugged it in and started it up. Thankfully, it booted up, however, the DVD drive was sticking out about an eighth of an inch, and it was clicking like it was trying to eject.

So, the laptop went in for emergency surgery. In the end, the DVD-ROM drive had to be replaced...it's now just a CD-RW drive, because they didn't have another DVD drive in stock. No biggie, though, I never actually watched DVDs on it anyway. Parts and labor added up to $187.00.

Since the laptop technically belongs to my company (and I'm paying him back for it), I had to plead my case to the big boss. He cut a check for the repairs and this has been added to my tab. The big boss explained the situation to my other boss, and spared me a major foot up my ass moment.

I was lucky I didn't fry out the whole damned thing. But still, when I woke up this morning, I wasn't planning on over $200 worth of repairs. The laptop is rocking again, and I now will forever remember to zip up.

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