Jan 30, 2006

Woo Hoo

I decided last night around ten that it would be best to take the monitor to the office at night rather than lug it all in in the morning. I got it all set up and as I was cleaning up, I turned around to find my boss standing in the doorway. I was prepared to have to defend my actions, but as I explained the situation to him, all I got was, "Okay." Then he left me alone.

Today was a good day, if not pretty damned good bordering on great. My workload was steady but not heavy, with no major hassles. I called the repair shop about the latest problem with the laptop, and it all boils down to a $40 part and about a hour of labor. I asked if this was a major problem that requires immediate attention, and it's not...as long as I don't mind having to be tethered to a monitor. I figure I'll wait just a little while longer before I drop another couple hundred bucks into this thing. Besides, both the monitor at work and the TV I hook it up to at home are much bigger than the rinky-dink 13' screen on the laptop itself.

Come around 4:00 this afternoon, the good day brought about something that I don't believe has ever happened to me: Unwarranted giddiness. For no real reason, I was just happy as hell. It was a good feeling, and I hope it carries through the next few days.

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