Jan 28, 2006

Sick puppies

Preparing for an entire night of TV and internet last night, I get a call from my buddy Tony. He asked me what I was doing, and I told him of the TV and the internet. "No, you're not. You are going to the midnight movie at Circle Cinema tonight with Jenny (his wife) and I." Being the pushover, I said okay.

I left the TV on A&E and watched the Biography of Osama bin Laden, the Biography of Al Qaeda, and a report on three people who missed flight 93, the one that crashed in Pennsylvania. Apparently these shows are a ramp-up to a movie they made about flight 93, so this weekend is all about 9/11. Here's a little chunk of irony for you: Mohammad Atta, who flew one of the planes into the World Trade Center and since changed the look of New York City, had a degree in Urban Development.

Around 11:30, I left for the theater. They were playing Harold and Maude, which I hadn't seen in years. So long, in fact, that I had forgotten how great this movie really was. We need more movies liek this nowadays. Leaving the theater, I was itching to go home and watch the Royal Tenenbaums, which I kept thinking would be a perfect companion movie. However, I just went to bed instead.

I had been fighting off a chest cold all week. I've been coughing, but nothing was breaking loose...until this morning. I woke up barely able to breathe. I made myself a hot cup of tea and breathed in the vapors. Within minutes, I had a major coughing fit that lasted over two minutes, left my ribs hurting and, I think, pulled a groin muscle. Looks like I'm laying around the house today. It kinda sucks having the weekend all to myself and I get sick.

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