Jan 26, 2006

Thursday night drunken rant...delayed

I'm actually writing this on Friday afternoon instead of when I'm half buzzed on Thursday night...I'm still hung over, so it's not a total loss, guys.

I had a little talk with the boss first thing Thursday morning. He told me not to worry about my job so much. He said that I've been going about trying to improve my standing in the wrong way. I've been trying to get my job done too quickly, most often having to backtrack because I made a mistake. He said that even if I worked at half-speed and paid extra attention to every detail, then I would still be running circles around most of the other employees. That was a nice little ego boost, and it was nice to start a new big project with that new philosophy.

When I got home, I began the parade of laziness. Surfing the net, watching CSI reruns on Spike TV, beating my best time on internet Su Doku. For the uninitiated, Su Doku is kinda like crosswords with numbers. Nine squares of nine squares, making nine rows and nine columns. The numbers 1-9 must be used in each row and column and in each square of nine. All the strategy of Tetris with the addictiveness of crack. Someone, PLEASE, get me a social life.

Arnie's was fairly dead. No band, not crowded, just a good night to sit and quietly drink. My friend Heather stopped by and we started a long conversation about politics, religion, etc. About an hour before I left, my roommate called me to tell me that her cat Zac had apparently gotten out when I stepped out for a smoke. He was nowhere in the house, and she walked up and down the street to look for him and couldn't find him. I told her I'd look for him when I got home. I couldn't find him either.

So, I went to bed, promising to let Zac back in if I hear him at the door when he returns. The funny thing is, I found out this morning, he had fallen asleep in her sock drawer...he never even left the house.

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