Jan 15, 2006

Pretty much screwed

Okay, I'm writing this while I'm still half-buzzed from a night out at Arnie's, so anything I say will probably have to be retracted if the situation arises.

The difference between a hypothesis and a theory is that a theory has at least some evidence to support it. Given my somewhat pessimistic nature, I've always believed that I am cursed when it comes to relationships. However, enough evidence has presented itself in recent years for this to become a full-fledged theory. Further proof will be needed before it becomes bonafide fact.

By cursed, I mean the trend of women having feelings for me without me knowing, only to show otherwise the moment I start to show interest. Let's look at the track record thus far:

Case Study #1: Three years ago, I start having a little fling with a friend of a friend. Fuck buddies would be the best way to describe it. She had just broken up with her boyfriend and was gonna be moving away in a few months, so we were just having a little fun and that was it. Little did I know, my friend that hooked the two of us up was kinda getting jealous of her. I had found out through her roommate that she had been fantasizing about me quite heavily. So, one night, saying goodbye to my friend after having dinner at her house and giving her a hug, my hand lingered on her lower back too long and BOOM! We start making out quite heavily. This led to several weeks of half-way dating and spending the majority of our time together in bed. However, that all started to change the moment that I expressed my feelings for her...let's just say it wasn't exactly requited. Her ex-husband announcing his displeasure over the matter of the two of us together didn't help matters much, either.

Case Study #2: Another girl I was dating/sleeping with really freaked out over what I thought was the direction our relationship was heading. Of course, I wasn't professing undying love or anything, but that didn't stop her from freaking the fuck out and ending it all a few days later.

Case Study #3: Tonight. I text message the girl from New Year's Eve, checking to see if she was working tonight, which she was. I stop by the store and talk to her for a few minutes. I tell her I was gonna go down to Arnie's to see the Electric Rag Band. She said she might stop by. In my mind, I was putting emphasis on the word MIGHT and really didn't get my hopes up. Later, she did indeed come down to the bar. Unfortunately, the OTHER GUY from New Year's ended up monopolizing all of her time while she was there. The only chance I got to talk to her was as she was leaving, with other guy no more than six inches behind her the whole time.

What the fuck is it about me? Was I a real asshole in a past life and I'm paying for it now? Why is it that any girl I like always has to come with some sort of a catch?

My friends tell me I need to be a little more of an asshole if that's what these women seem to be attracted to. The trouble with that is that I know the moment I do that will be the exact moment these women start to become attracted to the nice guy. I'm screwed either way...or rather say not getting screwed either way.

Seriously, is being a nice guy really that much of a liability these days?

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