Jan 4, 2006

Not according to plan

I had three priorities for the day, and I was only able to devote about thirty minutes to them. None of them got done. I couldn't work late tonight because I had a date. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

Why? Because I had to set up artwork for a billboard. Had it been just text, a logo and a solid colored background, it'd take me thirty minutes. Unfortunately, the client wanted to use a photo in the background, and with his instructions I had to do it in Photoshop. The client told me the specs from the sign makers said it needed to be 1440 dpi. 8' X 4' at 1440 dpi would make the file over 5 gigabytes. Turns out I could get away with 200 dpi, which made it just small enough to fit on a CD. Bad news is it took 45 minutes to save the file each time.

I got it all put together and burned to CD for the client just before he showed up. He took one look at the color printout and said, "Oh, I was afraid of this. I gave you the wrong number." This was 4:30. So, in thirty minutes, I had to change 888 to 800, save the file and burn a new CD. Resetting the type would take too long, so I used the clone tool to sample a 0 from elsewhere in the document, It saved in 15 minutes (thank God) and burned in ten.

However, my date sent me a text message saying dhe had a family thing come up, and wanted to reschedule for tomorrow night. No biggie. I was too stressed out to fully decompress before the date anyway. And I was too burned out to pull overtime. So, I'm at home, alone, and catching up on my TV shows.

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