Jan 17, 2006

Strange Karma

I was complimented on my organizational skills today by my bosses. The irony is that my desk was completely covered in random paperwork. The Franklin planner I picked up has proven to actually work. I may have had to adapt some of the shorthand to the way I do my work, but it has yeilded positive results. My projects are going by a lot faster and with fewer mistakes. Hooray, me!

Other people in the office, that's another matter. Having been at this job for a few years, I've gotten used to my boss' mood swings. Our receptionist got yelled at today and for the rest of the day we had to deal with her woe-is-me bullshit. The strange thing is that she is usually the first person to tell me to suck it up when this crap happens to me. I'm not, in general, a vindictive person, but I can't wait for the moment I can throw this back in her face.

I'm prepared for the mood to be a little bit hectic for the rest of the week. The big boss is off to Vegas for the Miss America Pageant (he works with the Miss Oklahoma Pageant) and I'll have to be ready at a moment's notice to cater to his teleconferencing whims. On the other hand, I asked him to place a bet on my lucky number in roulette. The chance of winning $175 could offset my stress a bit.

All in all...I'm on a bit of a high. I think I'll treat myself to a overpriced coffee at Borders tonight.

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