Oct 23, 2005

Achtung, baby

Had to be the good litle German boy and go to Oktoberfest last night. I made the mistake of eating way too much, leaving no room for beer. Bratwurst, plus a fully loaded fried potato, then a stawberry newberg, and wash it all down with almost a full pitcher of six point German beer.

There is NOTHING you eat at an outdoor festival that can be consumed in graceful way. Sure, you may have it served on a plate, with forks or spoons, but after five minutes everyone-regardless of class-just says "FUCK IT!" and digs in with both hands. This is the main reason I've avoided chili cook-offs. "Keep eating! I know if burns your fingers, but you get numb to it after a while."

Shortly before we all left, I asked my friend Heather to hold me to my word, and not allow me to date anyone else in our circle of friends. There are still a few that I hadn't dated for various reasons, like bad timing, self-worth issues or psychopathic tendencies. Plus, it's been very difficult to date people who already know my history. The first date conversations are all the same: "So, when you were dating [insert name here], what happened there?" Even though they already know what happened, because they hang out with [insert name here].

After Oktoberfest, we went to a party at a friend's house, where I saw several woment hat made me add an ammendment to the rule: One- or two-time hookups were allowed.

Not that I did anything about it last night. I was too tired to try to be charming to a complete stranger. And the ones that I've kinda had an eye on was good friends with at least one of my more evil ex-girlfriends. It's kinda like applying for a loan at a bank you robbed years ago. It's in the past, you've paid your debt to society, but the stigma remains.

Alternatively, If I find someone outside the group, there will come the day where I'll have to tell her, "Hey, you know those women over there at the bar? Well, I slept with her, dated her, was engaged to her, made out with her." Not that I'd ever be that blunt about it, but it's something I'll have to divulge at some point.

I'm of two minds over the whole thing, though. Half of me is telling me to get back out there, while the other half is telling me it's way too soon. So, what I have decided to do is compromise. I'm not gonna active look, but if a situation arises, like if I was being pursued in some way, I won't put up much of a fight.

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