Oct 3, 2005

Big, weird, oddly-calming news

Well, Candy and I had another talk...a to-be-continued of our talk last week. In the end it was decided that, in keeping with the way things have been progressing between us, we are gonna break up.

All those cliches, all those little things you hear at the end of a relationship; they're all true this time. Little differences became too big to ignore. We're still gonna be friends. It wasn't anyone's fault. We were heading in different directions. It's for the best. All of these are true.

We both acknowledge that there were things we could try to save certain aspects of the relationship, but would risk ruining any chances for friendship if we were to fail. So, we decided it was best to quit while we were ahead. Our lease is up in December, and we're gonna be roommates until then.

Strangely enough, this IS what's best. I'm fine. Finally, a complete absence of high drama. No hurt feelings, no yelling, no disagreement, no anger and no hatred. If any of my previous girlfriends had succeeded in their dastardly plans to screw up my intuition of women, I'd swear I must be insane and that Candy is some kind of cyborg. How else can we possibly explain the most sensible, logical, most level-headed breakup in the history of mankind? Simple, it just worked out that way.

Candy is an amazing woman, and I do love her dearly. She loves me too, I'm sure. We came together over a year ago as two whole people. The fact that we were together was icing on the cake. We will continue to be two whole people long after this. A true win-win situation.

As for me and my plans...I've got two months before the lease is up, and I don't intend to go back to throwing away money on another small crappy apartment. I'm gonna see about qualifying for a home loan and find a nice house somewhere in Tulsa (no move to the 'burbs for me). Whether i can accomplish this, is up to an understanding loan officer and me kissing a lot of ass. I guess I had better pucker up, then.

Yet again, I couldn't find a pic to go with what I just posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. An amicable break-up and applying for a home loan. Our little Frisky is all growed up!

Sucks about your lady friend. But it sounds like it's for the best. At least you'll always have Linda Ronstadt eyeing your balls in Skiatook.