Oct 25, 2005


Busy day, busy day. I got through my work today in record time and efficiency, and all this without losing my cool. Hooray maturity!

What got me through it all? For some strange reason, I had the keyboard lick from "The Final Countdown" stuck in my head. I haven't heard that song in ten years, and it became my anthem for the day.

When I left work, I wasn't hungry at all. Five minutes after getting home, I was starving. So, off to the Neighborhood Market for groceries. I went down the aisles, grabbing things at random, completely aware of the dangers of shopping when you're hungry. I did good, though. More than a week's worth of food for forty bucks.

I got back home and made enough spaghetti to feed a family of twelve. I learned how to cook shaghetti from my grandfather, who, due to his stint as a cook in the army, didn't know how to cook for less than fifty people.

I'm glad I have a roommate at times like these. Back when I lived alone, I'd have this kind of stuff lingering in the fridge for two weeks. That episode of the Simpsons where Homer vows to finish the party sub, and is still eating it after it turns all moldy and green...that didn't seem too far-fetched to me. One time, my sister-in-law sent me back from Little Rock with a case of guacamole from her food distibution company...twelve pounds of guac, man...I ate it all. I could live my whole life and NEVER taste avocadoes ever again, and I would be okay with it.

While talking with a client today, I learned from her how to get a free donut at Krispy Kreme. Another client gave me a gift certificate to that new cafe on Cherry Street. My boss anouced that he'll be grilling burgers on Friday. This job of mine may not get me laid, but it certainly keeps me fed.

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