Oct 20, 2005

Biting my tongue

Today was just one pet peeve after another. By about three o'clock, I was getting rather zen about it. In every situation, I could've said something that would've diffused the whole thing, but it would put me at risk for a heavy backlash.

I could've told the guy asking me how to set up his art in Microsoft Publisher to just go out and buy InDesign, but I couldn't do that because of stupid "diplomacy" and crap.

I could've told the boss to take a deep breath and count to ten, but I'd rather poke a grizzly bear with a very short stick...far less conflict involved.

It's frustrating being an idealist or even a cautious optimist in this line of work. There are always gonna be things that defy logic and reason. The sooner I quit fighting it and come to accept it, the easier my work is gonna be. My real problem is I don't want to compromise on these things. I don't want to get to that point where my ready-made response to a problem is "Go ahead, it's easier than beating the shit out of you." My problem is not that I care too much, but I just don't want to NOT care about these things.

In the meantime I've got one of those headaches that feels like someone's giving a purple nurple to my optic nerves. A few drinks tonight might help. Until tomorrow morning, when I'm sure it'll feel like someone's given my brain a pink belly and a wet willy. Yes, I got picked on a lot in junior high.

I just want to create, to give people what they need rather than just what they want, and with as little conflict and stupid shit as possible. A good paycheck would be nice, too.

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