Oct 4, 2005

Read this post, or I'll shoot a bunny

Just kidding. It's actually a chinchilla.

That's not true, either. I just wanted an excuse to use the word chinchilla. Say it out loud. Doesn't that just put a smile on your face?

The biggest laugh I've had in weeks came courtesy of my buddy Seth. I was talking to him and told him about Candy and I breaking up, and he responded, "Let me guess, was it your latent homosexuality clashing with her bleeding-heart liberalism?" Think about that statement for a moment.

Not true at all...not that there's anything wrong with that. Most of my closest friends are bleeding-heart liberals.

I worked late tonight, scanning in about 75 childhood pictures of a beuty pageant contestant. This is the life I chose for myself. Nights like this, I my mantra is overtime...overtime...overtime...

The Discovery Channel is running ads for a show about the Coast Guard with Hendrix's "All Along the Watchtower" playing in the background. Not to knock the efforts of our men and women in...What color are their uniforms again? Anyway, What does that song have to do with the Coast Guard? When I hear that song, I think about Vietnam. "Alright, boys, be on the lookout for Charlie in Orange County!"

Today's pic is something that happened to me a couple weeks ago. Because of this, now whenever I hear someone complain about a paper jam, I will smack them upside their head. This is our film imager, with a 45 degree media jam. That was fun!

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