Dec 12, 2006

At last, we have results!

Last night, I slipped a note under dumbass girl's front door telling her to call her insurance company. This was to be my final hurdle to overcome to get my car into the shop and have the insurance company take care of it.

Today around noon, I called the insurance company to get the ball rolling. My claims handler was not at her desk, and I was in no mood to leave a voice mail. So, I decided to go over her head and try her supervisor. Dialing 0, I discovered that this company has sunk to a whole new low in customer service. The phone rang twice, and I heard, "You've reached the operator. No one is available to take your call, but if you leave your name..."

Son of a bitch. I got the operator's voice mail! How fucking pathetic is that!

I hung up. I waited until 3:00 and called the handler back. I finally got answers to my questions. They told me that it'd be about 14 business days to fix my car, which might take longer considering that I told the body shop that I wanted factory parts only, and that is not negotiable. They are gonna pay for my rental car, but they refuse to pay for the insurance on it. I told them that we'd have to agree to disagree on that one. Seeing as it's illegal to drive without insurance on a vehicle, and that I wouldn't be in that rental car if it weren't for someone plowing into my car while it was parked, and the fact that I'm not feeling particularly lucky at this point in time, they're paying for it all, even if I have to take them to court.

So, my car's in the shop, and by all accounts so far, it'll be there until after new year's. This may put a kink in my plans for Christmas. I may have unlimited miles on the rental car, but I don't trust it enough to go out of Tulsa, much less to Little Rock. We'll see about it later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to know more about the guy who took a piss by the stop sign from a couple of blogs back. I'm in a local "Stop Sign Whiz Club". We go around the country and relieve ourselves at stop signs. Its a great way to let the establishment have it, and also to meet sexy chicks. I wonder though, if we have an unregistered member going rogue on us here. I dare not think of what his continual whizzing willy nilly about the city could do. WE MUST STOP HIM!