Dec 11, 2006

More car shit

My car is still sitting where it was crashed. The insurance company that is responsible for repairing it is refusing to answer any more of my questions until they have a chance to hear from their client, the dumbass girl that hit my car. My insurance company advises me that they cannot do anything until her insurance company flat-out refuses to pay.

Dumbass girl came home this afternoon while the adjuster was looking at my car. I knocked on her door, but she didn't answer. This evening after I got home, I left her a note to call her insurance company as soon as possible. I informed her that they only accept so many unanswered phone calls before they absolutely refuse to pay for anything...then the lawyers get involved.

I cannot even get my car in line to be repaired until this girl calls them back. I can't even get a straight answer over whether my rental car cost will be reimbursed. The adjuster told me today that they can't give me an exact estimate until they can get it in the shop and take it apart. I can't get it into the shop because this chick picked one hell of a time to screen her calls.

I'm kinda hoping this gets thrown to the lawyers. Sure, it'd be a loooong, drawn out process, but I want blood at this point. I wanna walk out of that courtroom with a check and the knowledge that that girl will not only have to pay triple on whatever insurance she has to get from here on out, plus the idea that her wages will be garnished and that bankruptcy won't save her, but also the smug satisfaction that her insurance company will have to pay a guy who wasn't just uninjured, but nowhere near the car at the time of the accident. If it goes that far, They're gonna wish I was strapped to the bumper of my car when it happened.

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