Dec 11, 2006

Monday Night Caption Contest

If it's Monday, it must be captions. Post your captions in the comments section below.

Here are mine for the week:

1. Tibet and Milwaukee are thousands of miles apart, but they do have a lot in common. Tibet means the best inner peace money can't buy, and Milwaukee means beer.

2. "I know I'm supposed to renounce all material goods and all that, but when is Xang gonna get back here so I can 'be one' with the jet ski?"

The winner of last week's caption contest was Anonymous (seriously, folks, give me a name here), with the caption: "You see what this evil tile has done to my hand? You have your orders, soldier! Lose temper NOW!"

This week's winner was judged solely by the fact that the poster noticed the other guy's bandaged hand. I was wondering if anyone was gonna notice that.


CleverName said...

The guy as Bass Pro Shop should have told the monks that orange is for huntin', not fishin'.

Anonymous said...

Sure, they look peaceful now, but just wait until they take on the jesus camp kids from across the lake at the volleyball tournament next week.

Anonymous said...

Dude...who brought the keg?

Anonymous said...

1. O translator of the ancient scroll, we have shaved our heads and donned orange robes and have occupied this raft for three weeks. What does the sacred text tell us to do next?

2. OK, now head due east... wait a minute! Whats this smudge up at the top of the page? It says "Whatever you do, DON'T shave your heads and don orange robes and... Oops."

Anonymous said...

It is said...true enlightenment...can only be achieved by (a) reflection.

Anonymous said...

Waterproof Monk

Anonymous said...

Sittin' in the morning sun/
I'll be sittin' when the evening comes/
Watchin' the ships roll in/
And abstaining from all intoxicants, meats and sexual relations except for purposes of procreation within marriage/
Sittin' on the dock of the bay/
Wasting time.