Dec 21, 2006

My personal predictions for 2007

One year from today, I will revisit this post and see how many of these predictions had come true. These are not really goals, because a lot of what follows will be, for the most part, beyond my control. However, I will be focusing my energies towards the universe, willing these things to happen:

I will fully pay off the loan from my parents to cover my credit card debt.

I will have a new car that will be in my name, on my credit, and payments will be made on time.

I will live in a new apartment, with good landlords, and it will feel like home.

I will overcome my relationship issues (shyness, bitterness, fear, willingness to ignore severe problems in hope they'll simply go away, etc.) and find a new love.

I will be more active in my community to raise awareness of the crazy fucknuts our citizens have elected into office and hopefully sway the vote enough to ensure they do not get re-elected.

I will take steps to hone my talents in writing, design and art, and make a name for myself in those fields.

I will invite more people into my life and my home (i.e. throw a few parties)

I will stop being so negative.

I will raise my credit rating.

I will be more inspired.

I will be unflappably happy at least one full day and for a large portion of most other days.

I will spend more time with long- and short-lost friends and family.

I will live up to the words of Alison Krauss that were quoted to me in a birthday card a couple years ago by a friend; I will be "loved my many, hated by none."

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