Dec 20, 2006

My boredom knows no bounds

Surfing through a number of websites I frequent, one of the links I found was the number pi displayed to over four million decimal places. Not having anything else to do, I copied and pasted the number into TextEdit, replaced the numbers 0-9 with the letters of my my first initial and last name (DFRITSCHIE), and did a search to see if how many times my name would come up.

DFRITSCHIE = 0 times
FRITSCHIE = 0 times

As if I needed any sign that I should be doing something better with my time, I did a search for the word SHIT...855 times.

I need a girlfriend...bad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What happened to all your flirty blog commenters? I thought for sure they were potential girlfriends / stalkers.