Dec 16, 2006

General bitching

My day at work Friday was a bit crazy. I screwed up on a job, big time. It was delivered, and it was discovered that a lot of the changes I made to the final proof didn't make it onto the final piece. I don't know how it happened, but it did, and it was all my fault for not checking the printing plates before sending it out to the press. We got it fixed in record time, but everything I did that day to try and make up for the mistake was not greeted as such. After a while, I just gave up trying.

Last night, I worked the door at Arnie's, and it was fairly uneventful. Around 1:00, I saw a group of kids being turned away from the bar across the street. They then turned towards Arnie's, but before they got halfway across the street, they saw me with a "Oh, don't even try it, kids" look on my face, and they changed direction. Hell, I have clothes older than these guys, and it didn't help that one of them was wearing his high school letterman jacket, and another kid was wearing his hat backwards. I'm sorry, but unless you're under the age of 11, or a catcher, wearing your baseball cap backwards just isn't allowed in normal society.

Today, I went to do laundry, and discovered a new reason to hate the rental car. As I was loading my clothes in the back and closing the back door, a sharp edge of the door caught the pocket of my favorite jacket, and tore a huge hole in it. My green suede jacket, ruined.

Today, I began my plans to find a new apartment. When I pay my rent on the first, I'm putting in my notice with the landlord. That'll give me until mid-January to find a place and the rest of the month to move. I'm thinking about demanding my entire security deposit back - seeing as this place now looks twenty times better than when I moved in - or else I'll sic every goverment agency I can to investigate their properties, their business practices, etc. Then, even when I get the deposit back, I'll report them anyway.

Besides, I did a Google search on the landlord, and discovered several court dockets, complaints, TV reports and an "extremely unsatifactory" rating with the Better Business Bureau. I gotta get out of here before it's too late.

My search parameters for my next place shouldn't be too difficult: $400 a month maximum, building-code-abiding landlords, off-the-street parking, must accept pets, East of the river, West of Yale Avenue, North of 11th and South of 41st. Hell, I may be flexible on noisy neighbors and high crime rates, just as long as I'm not having to deal with unreasonable bullshit from the landlord. There's bound to be something within those 27 square miles that meets those criteria.

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