Jan 7, 2007

Anxious to move on

Today, I started packing boxes even though I haven't officially found an apartment to move it all to yet. I have all of the stuff off the walls and about half of the living room is packed up. Not just packed up, but labeled. Given the fact that last time I moved most of my stuff was packed an moved in old Wal-Mart sacks, I wanted to do this one right.

I've scrubbed down the kitchen, dusted the shelves and mopped the floors. I know that I'll have to do it again when everything's outta here, but at least it won't be as much of a chore. A good once-over should be sufficient.

I'm not gonna pussy-foot around this time. This time I'm not putting in 60 hours a week at work and packing when I find the time. I'm not waiting until the last possible minute to find a place. I'm not gonna do anything half-assed. Every moment I can spare will be spent getting everything in order and ready to go. Once I sign a lease on a new place I'll see if the electric company will set me up right away and overlap my service at both places so I can get the essentials to the new place and still have power at the old place to move and clean.

I have seven boxes packed so far, and I'm gonna get at least another four done before I go to bed. Time for me to get back to work.

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