Jan 22, 2007

Monday Night Caption Contest

Fire away, kids. Post your captions in the comment section below.

Here are mine for the week:

1. Someday, technology will advance to the point where the latest innovation won't make you look like a total idiot.

2. That reminds me...gotta sell off my Oakley stock.

The winner of last week's contest is Watercolor Trapezoid with the caption "On the news today: Cloned cat experiment is going well scientist say. The new study actually uses one specimen to clone another within. Cat is expected to birth itself within the normal gestation period."

Just the visual of a cat giving birth to itself cinched the deal for me.


CleverName said...

Apple's new EyePod.

Anonymous said...

In the year 2059, U2's remaining living member released an album and protested aparthied in Kentucky.

Anonymous said...

give me the blue pill...NO THE RED ONE!...WAIT...okay...blue

Anonymous said...

Funny thing is, he's watching the movie The Fly on DVD.