Jan 15, 2007

Monday Night Caption Contest

Here we go again. Post your captions in the comment section below.

And, here's mine for the week:

"Now to our pet adoption segment. This is 'Skinny". He's a (cough) healthy little tabby with a taste for catnip, tuna and small children."

Last week's winner was Sibanate with the caption: "You got that right assholes. The line starts here!"


Anonymous said...

Here at Mola Ram's Thuggee Veterinary Clinic, we'll treat little Short Round here by reaching bare-handed into his furry chest and pulling out his bleeding little heart. He'll be fine - we keep him alive using the power of ancient Sankara stones, don't we Short Round? Who's a big tabby cat? Who's a big fluffy tabby-wabby kitty-cat!?

The artist formerly known as Anonymous said...

Ladies and Gentlemen...Our new CEO...Mr. Snuffykiss!

"As your new CEO, I realize that it is better to syndicate transparently than to productize iteravely. Think cyber-blog-based. What does it really mean to matrix "wirelessly"? The reporting factor can be summed up in one word: C2B2B. Our budget for exploiting should be at least three times Our budget for redefining. Without appropriate web services, methodologies are forced to become affiliate-based. If all of this comes off as undreamt of to you, that's because it is! We have come to know that if we exploit wirelessly then we may also monetize ultra-iteravely. The ability to enable globally leads to the power to envisioneer proactively. We pride ourselves not only on our feature set, but our user-proof administration and simple operation. We will extend our power to synthesize without devaluing our capacity to orchestrate.

Thanks you.

Anonymous said...

Cowardly Lion: [singing] If I were king of the fore-e-e-est / Not queen, not duke, not prince / My royal robes of the fore-e-e-est / Would be satin, not cotton, not chintz / I'd command each thing, whether fish or fowl / With a r-r-ruff and a r-r-ruff, and a royal growl - R-R-Ruff! / As I click my heels / All the trees would kneal / And the mounains bow / And the bulls kowtow / And the sparrow would take wing / If I, if I were ki-i-i-i-ng! / The rabbits would show respect to me / The chipmunks genuflect to me / Though my tail would lash / I would show compash / For every underling / If I, if I were king / Just ki-i-i-i-ing!

posted by: Scottay

Anonymous said...

On the news today: Cloned cat experiment is going well scientist say. The new study actually uses one specimen to clone another within. Cat is expected to birth itself within the normal gestation period.

Anonymous said...