Jan 27, 2007

We can be heroes...but there's a catch

Imagine you could have a superpower, but with limits. Which would you rather have?

  1. You could see the future, but only a couple minutes ahead.
  2. You can move things with your mind, but only things you could easily move normally.
  3. You can fly, but you're afraid of heights.
  4. You have X-ray vision, but only good for about a 1/16 of an inch.
  5. You can't walk through walls, but you can fall through floors...but sometimes you can't control it...and you live on the fifth floor of your building.
  6. You can hear other people's thoughts, but only in backwards Portuguese...with a lisp.
  7. You can communicate with the animals, but you're allergic.
  8. You can shoot laser beams from your eyes, but only with the approximate strength of a laser pointer.
  9. You can't make yourself invisible, but you can decrease your opacity to about 20%.
  10. You can hear things at great distances, but you can't hear anything within 100 feet of you.
  11. You can control the weather, but can only adjust the temperature a few degrees...however, you have total control over upper-atmosphere humidity.
  12. A highly evolved sense of smell, but you live with very gassy people.

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