Jan 25, 2007

Best, better, good, bad, worse, worst

Best: Home run
Better: Third base
Good: Second base
Bad: First base
Worse: Goodnight hug with sympathetic pat on the back
Worst: Restraining order

Best: Free dinner in a fancy restaurant
Better: Dinner in a fancy restaurant and the credit card isn't declined
Good: Dinner, period
Bad: Food poisoning
Worse: Parasite
Worst: Symbiant

Best: Powerball jackpot
Better: Scratch-off winner
Good: Found five bucks on the sidewalk
Bad: Overdraft
Worse: Audit
Worst: Garnished wages

Best: Mortgage paid off
Better: Refinancing at a lower interest rate
Good: Efficiency apartment
Worse: Youth Hostel
Worst: Sidewalk

Best: Being the boss
Better: Promoted
Good: Raise
Bad: Demoted
Worse: Fired
Worst: On fire, literally

Best: A movie that changes your life
Better: A good movie
Good: A movie
Bad: Loud talkers
Worse: Broken projector
Worst: David Spade

Best: Empire Strikes Back
Better: A New Hope
Good: Revenge of the Sith
Bad: The Ewok Adventures
Worse: Holiday Special
Worst: The Phantom Menace

Best: Original
Better: Clever homage
Good: Parody
Bad: Remake
Worse: Re-imagining
Worst: Michael Bay

Best: Yeats
Better: Cummings
Good: Kerouac
Bad: Haikus
Worse: Limerics
Worst: Jewell

Best: Loved
Better: Needed
Good: Wanted
Bad: Denied
Worse: Ignored
Worst: Mind games

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