Jan 9, 2007

Making progress

Okay, so the whole idea I had of having everything organized before I move has gotten a little bit out of hand. For the most part, everything in the living room and storage closet that I intend to take with me is packed in boxes with clear labels as to what is in them. I even have a box full of board games...which are already in their own respective boxes. I have three candles in a small box clearly labeled "candles". Everything I don't plan to take with me is now in a big pile in the middle of the living room. Tomorrow, I need to pick up some Hefty bags to collect all the garbage.

This morning I filled out an application and put a deposit down on a new apartment. It's very much like my current apartment, only it has smoke detectors, doors and windows that actually seal when they are closed, recent paint on the walls, secure locks on the doors, etc. The walk-in closet is larger than my current kitchen. And most importantly, the landlord are nice people who actually want to sell me on the apartment.

I got a call at lunch from the application service that is processing my application. From what I can tell, the only hurdle in the process for me is that my landlord from the old duplex changed his number and didn't leave a forwarding number. But even without a reference from him, a little bit of pleading on my part could counteract any hesitation from the new potential landlord. I should know tomorrow morning.

Tonight, I tackled a small part of the huge box of past bill stubs and bank statements. I fished through the past two years of stuff and gave up. I took all of the identity theft fodder I filtered out and had a little barbecue in the back-yard. It was quite cathartic. The rest of the big box I'm gonna take somewhere to be shredded. I don't have that kind of time to go through everything else. Besides, anything left in that box is only gonna lead to closed accounts and long-shut-off utilities. I still have stuff there from Arkansas, and I moved away from there six years ago.

And all of this stuff tonight I've done without the benefit of dinner. I think I'll grab a quick bite before going to bed.

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