Jul 4, 2007

America, Fuck Yeah!

I started off my 4th of July with a walk around the river. I started on my normal route, crossing the 21st Street bridge, cutting over to and across the Southwest Blvd. bridge and back home. However, I got about a third of the way across the 21st bridge before a cop told me the bridge was closed. They were pulling in the big rigs for tonight's fireworks display. They had no signs saying the bridge was closed. All they had was a cop. a cop that didn't notice a guy walking on the bridge until he was about a third of the way across. She made me go back the way I came. So, to make my loop, I had to go to the 29th Street pedestrian bridge and go around that way. Oh, well, another three miles of walking didn't kill me.

Once I was home, showered and rehydrated, I decided to go catch a matinee. I found it easy to avoid seeing Transformers (rot in hell, Michael Bay), and instead saw Live Free or Die Hard. Pretty good flick, even though I was surprised it was PG-13. Apparently you can blow away as many bad guys as you want as long as you do it slightly off-camera and not show any blood unless the guy is still living. All in all, this new Die Hard pales in comparison to the first one, is ten times better than the second, on par with the third, and I hope this is the last one. They kinda blew their wad with the "I'm getting too old for this shit" type gags with this one.

Then, it was off to a cookout at a friend's house. I had lots of food, and enough beer in the humid afternoon heat to make me want another 14-hour nap like last Saturday. Not that I was getting drunk, I was just getting exhausted. I left after a while to make sure that I'd get a decent parking space at my own apartment complex before half of Tulsa swarms on any available parking for the fireworks display.

I walked over to a friend's apartment to catch the fireworks, to which we opted to play selections from the Team America soundtrack instead of the usual John Phillip Sousa fanfare that blares on every radio station in town on just such an occasion. Oddly enough, America, Fuck Yeah and Freedom Isn't Free synced up quite well.

So, now I'm home, letting those last couple Dr. Peppers work their way out of my blood stream, as well as let my asshole neighbors use up the last of their fireworks so I can finally get some sleep.

Happy Birthday, America.

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