Jul 22, 2007

I can wait another couple years to find out how the rest of the story goes

Yesterday, I read only the final chapter of the final Harry Potter book. There, I said it, I know how the story ends. I will post no spoilers here. Suffice to say, I know if Harry lives or not, whether Snape is friend or foe, and not a whole hell of a lot else.

As I posted earlier, I'm waiting to see all of the movies before reading any of the books. I want to go into the films with a fairly fresh mind, and not get bent out of shape over details that got left out or entire subplots being omitted.

So, why did I read the final chapter? Well, the curiosity was killing me. Besides, the final chapter of any book like this that's been touted as the end of the road is only gonna be an epilogue. It's all resolution, and gave very little into what happened in the climax of the story. That way, I'll still be able to fully enjoy the final film in the series...only now, it'll be like the Star Wars prequels. We all knew he'd become Darth Vader, but we really didn't know how he did it. Did that knowledge make the experience any less fulfilling? No. George Lucas's complete dearth of talent in writing dialogue did that, but it was still fun to watch.

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