Jul 1, 2007

My 14 hour nap and the vampire peacock

Yesterday wasn't too exhausting given what I did all day. I walked through the farmer's market for a few minutes, then drove out to the new Apple Store to check it out. Fortunately there was an Orange Julius across the hall from the Apple store because drooling over all the new Macs left me a little dehydrated.

I had planned to go catch a matinee of Ratatouille with Colleen, Britt and the kids, but we decided not to because a couple of them were coming down with migraines. I tried to convince them that the Dolby Digital sound system would be good for them, but to no avail.

So, I headed back home and made myself some dinner. I'm not sure which ingredient was the culprit, but by 8 o'clock, I was feeling all sorts of funky. I made the decision to take a quick nap before heading down to the Mercury Lounge to meet my friends, but whatever my dinner was doing to me made it impossible to wake up.

I woke up this morning around 10:00 feeling much better. So much better, I went for a hour-long walk down by the river, where I sweat out the last of the sickness that incapacitated me the night before. Now, I'm showered, dressed, and ready for the rest of my day. However, the siren song of the internet had me entranced.

I played a few quick hands of Texas Hold 'Em, then surfed my usual sites. On CNN, I found this article:

Man Pummels Vampire Peacock

NEW YORK (AP) -- A peacock that roamed into the parking lot of a Burger King in New York City was beaten by a man who insisted it was a vampire.

Animal control officials in Staten Island say the bird was beaten so fiercely that most of its tail feathers fell out and it had to be euthanized.

The seven-year-old male peacock wandered into the restaurant parking lot and perched on a car hood last week. Charmed employees had been feeding it bread when the man appeared.

A restaurant worker says the man grabbed the bird by the neck, hurled it to the ground and started stomping it. She says when he was asked what he was doing, he responded, "'I'm killing a vampire!"'

Employees called police, but the man ran when he saw them.

That is a story so weird that I'm surprised I didn't experience it first-hand.

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