Jul 3, 2007

Calling in stinky

I got a call from the landlord last night, letting me know that my downstairs neighbor is having water trickle down through her bathroom ceiling. That was a bit of a kick in the ass to clean up the place in anticipation of the landlord having to come over.

In the meantime, I've been paranoid to take a shower...and with good reason. Apparently, there's a leaky pipe from my shower drain that's causing all the problems. I decided to call in stinky to work and stay at home while the repairs are being done. You know, so I don't come home to a ripped-up bathroom and a missing cat.

I shouldn't have to be here much longer. It sounds like it's only gonna be that one pipe that needs to be replaced. Then, I can finally take a shower and get to work just in time for my boss to kick everyone out early for the holiday.

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