Jul 28, 2007

Things 'bout goin' my way

Things are good. Really fucking good at the moment. I have achieved a level of happiness that makes me want to dare people to knock me off the cloud I'm riding on right now. Even my boss, who possesses the power to suck the joy out of anything at his own will wasn't up to that challenge.

What has caused all this happiness? Lots of things. People are seeing me in a new, exciting and different light, The Blade Runner Final Cut DVD is closer to being released, The Simpsons are in theaters, work is going swimmingly, I'm feeling healthier in mind and body, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. The universe has seemed to accepted the fact that it's been shitting on me for quite a while and has sent me a goodie basket with a note attached saying, "I'm sorry."

While I don't feel ten feet tall and bulletproof, I'm certainly a couple inches taller and at least bullet-resistant. The temporary void left in my being when bitterness and self doubt left this past week has now been filled with a confidence that may very well border on cockiness, and the road-block I've put in the way of change in my life has been replaced by a velvet rope with a doorman with a set of fairly lenient requirements for entrance.

Things may not be all aces just yet, but deuces and jokers are wild, so anything is possible. I haven't been dealt an all-in hand yet, but I'm re-raising what's bet against me. See? Even my metaphors are more confident!

More on this as it develops.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats Fritschie. I have you in my rss reader now, so I'll be watching over you from a distance. Sounds devilish, huh?