Aug 21, 2005


57 hours without a cigarette. I'm doing remarkably well, with the exception of a near-breakdown at QuikTrip. I had to fight with all my power to just say, "No, just the soda", instead of "and a carton of Camel Lights".

And now, for the good, the bad, and the just plain sad:

The Good: The jury's still out on my sense of smell coming back, but my taste buds are back in full force! I can actually TASTE food again. This is great! I went nearly orgasmic over a Bark Yard Burger last night. I never knew red onions and mustard could taste so strong, but I was relishing (pardon the pun) in the sensations.

The Bad: I'm getting really sick of telling people about how long I've gone without a cigarette, and have them respond with "Well, it's been [their age] without a cigarette for me!" Look, I'm not telling you this for a pat on the back. I'm telling you this in the vain attempt at a little support. The last thing I need is to be told how stupid it was for me to start smoking in the first place.

The Just Plain Sad: I think there's a good chance of me getting addicted to the nicotine gum.

Here is a pretty cool pic I took when I first got my digital camera. New camera+dartboard+time to kill-a social life=this shot.

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