Aug 26, 2005

What's my problem?

Wouldn't you know it? Last night, the first night back at Arnie's Bar after quitting smoking, and the damn Camel rep is there giving out free cigarettes. on the up side, Nicotine gum really kills the bitterness of Guinness.

I had a nice little misunderstanding at work today. A job ticket came into my office that is a job we do every month, and every month it gets farmed out because it's in a program that we don't have. And, without fail, every month the job comes through my office and I have to kick it back to whomever wrote it up explaining that they need to fill out the purchase order and send it out. Simple, huh?

Well, this cause all sorts of confusion because, without my knowing, my boss was wanting us to try to convert it using his software and work with it in house. I was the only one out of the loop, apparently, so you can imagine my confusion over the whole mess.

I was getting all flustered over the mess, because I was trying to focus on my current project. One of my co-workers kept asking me for information about it, and it was the same information I was needing. She mistook my confusion for attitude, threw a little fit. After a few seconds of that, I showed her what ATTITUDE from me sounds like. To which, she tried to slam the door on me...except for the doorstop she had to move AND the recycle bin that sticks out about a half an inch into the doorway, which effectively killed the impact I'm sure she was going for.

Needless to say, I was pissed. Everyone else accused me of being on the bitchy side due to the lack of Nicotine. I played right into their hands by overreacting and shouting, "IT'S NOT THE DAMN NICOTINE!!!"

At least some good came out of the whole mess. My boss came and had a word with me, and by the end, we both agreed that it was all a misunderstanding. But the real joy for me was that everyone else pretty much left me alone for the rest of the day. Finally, some time to finish this big project.

I had to leave work early to let some people into my house and install some gadgets onto our TVs and VCRs so Candy and I can be a Neilson's Family. I think I may just mess with their demographic figures a bit by leaving one of the TVs on some random channel for five days straight. "Boy, the Weather Channel's ratings in the 18-30 male demographic just skyrocketed!"

While these guys were doing their thing, I went online and checked out my credit, and applied for a debt consolidation loan with Lending Tree. I was supposed to get three offers in a few minutes, but instead, I got a message saying they'll have to crunch a few number and get back to me. The good news, My credit rating is much higher than I expected it would be. The bad news: If I were to fall victim to identity theft, it'd probably help my rating. And Consumer Credit Counseling pretty much sucks. I owe just as much on one of my credit cards as I did when I signed up with them. Way to keep up the records, jerk-offs!

Anyhoo, Candy's in class tonight, and I've got nothing but time to kill.

Here's a pic of my friend Karen...or should I say her bosums...and her attitude.

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