Aug 24, 2005

Stupid is as stupid does...

Carlos Mencia once said, "the problem with the world is that here are too many stupid people and nobody to eat them."

After hearing a coworker complain about a the new mouse for the laptop after months of hearing her complain about having to use the trackpad...

After explaining to a client the basics of copyright law, and the odds of getting sued, he still asked me why the artwork didn't look like what he'd pulled off the internet and threw together in Microsoft Word...

After answering the question "What was your order again?" three times at the Braums drive-thru window...

...After all that, I still managed to have a fairly decent day.

I took my new bike for a ride tonight and got about a mile from my house before my chest started to tighten up. I guess my chest hasn't full rebounded from five years, eight months, seventeen days, eleven hours and thirty-five minutes of pack-a-day smoking. Tomorrow, I'll take it easy. Maybe just a walk.

Not that it has anything to with the issue of stupidity, here's a pic of who I would consider "the Man", Elvis Costello. He played at the Cain's on St. Patrick's Day. Three of my favorite local bands were playing that night at Arnie's, and it was a tough call, but Elvis won.

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