Aug 7, 2005


Today, I got up early and put in a couple hours overtime this morning. There's something about my job that I take pride in. Given that we're still a pretty small operation, everyone has to be a jack of all trades. My main job is graphic design, but on any given day, I may be running a paper cutter, shrink-wrapper, hole punch, stitcher, etc. My boss hires high school students for the summer, but most of us from the front office work faster than they do, making our overtime comparable to paying them minimum wage.

The only down side is that every piece of machinery in the building is MacGuyvered in some way shape or form. Today, the belt drive was going out on the shrink-wrapper, so I had to jiggle the motor every ten minutes or so. However, I got a lot done in the short time I was there today.

The rest of the day was spent playing Gamecube, and it was a lot of fun.

Here is a pic I took at Candy's mom's house, her fence at dusk.

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