Aug 2, 2005

start, stop, start, stop...hurry up and wait.

This is how my day went. Everything that crossed my desk got done in record time, only to have to wait for the next task to come along. All I could really do is surf the internet in brief intervals just in case the boss wandered in.

I like to think I'm getting pretty good at my job. Fortunately, no one at my office sees that as a threat, as if I'm gunning for their job or something like that. The downside is, the reward for hard work is generally more work.

Good thing it's payday. That means I get out fifteen minutes early to go deposit my check, even though it only takes five. Candy went out for a couple drinks (well-deserved given how she's been feeling the past couple days). So, I sit here, updating the ol' blog while watching an old episode of MST3K - "Manos: The Hands of Fate".

Tonight, we have to unload everything from the cabinets because the exterminator comes tomorrow. For some strange reason, 99% of the roaches have found shelter INSIDE the dishwasher. I gotta admit, it's a great appetite suppressant.

I'm sure I'll have more to report tonight, but I've gotta find me some food that is yet untouched by roachkind.

This pic is of a birthday card I got last year. The inside read: You're never too old to be creeped out by clown art.

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