Aug 28, 2005

A partial list of things I just don't understand

1. Why do cats clean themselves with their tongues, but their stomachs cannot digest the fur?

2. A 12-ounce can of Diet Pepsi has ONE calorie, but a 20-ounce bottle has TWO AND A HALF.

3. How is it that Cyndi Lauper and my mom are the same age?

4. There are some people who want to make September 11th a national holiday. What would you call it? Wouldn't it seem really stupid to have the name of the holiday be the DATE?

5. When was the last time you ever heard of a kidnapper actually getting his hands on the ransom money? Don't the cops always stake out where they make the money drop?

6. Why can't there be a diet slurpee? It's essentially just the soda syrup blended with shredded ice, so why not use the diet syrup?

7. When people protest anything, why do other people counter-protest? "WHAT DO WE WANT?" "TO DISAGREE!"

8. How does a creationist measure his own personal growth? Calling it "evolving" seems a bit hypcritical, doesn't it?

9. One of the big problems with flooding is that coffins in cemeteries float to the surface. Why then, are they air-tight and made of wood?

10. I once read a collection of movie reviews written by a white supremacist. The strange thing was, he gave a lot of good reviews, even for films featuring minorities. For instance, his review for American Pie was something like, "You gotta hand it to the Jews, they know funny jokes."

I'm taking a cue from my friend Stephen's blog. He put the word "Upskirting" on his site just so he'd get more hits from people doing a search on that word. And so, I have taken it to the next level with...shaved pussy.

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