Aug 5, 2005

Did you ever feel like you're getting so good at your job that people are just looking to find fault in your work. Today, I got yelled at because I couldn't find an email that 1.) I supposedly printed out on Thursday, while I was on vacation, and 2.) never was forwarded to me in the first place.

That pretty much set the tone for the day. TMFGIF, that's all I gotta say.

Tonight, Candy's mom comes for one of her regular visits. I gotta get to cleaning this place up before she gets here.

This pic is of my old friend Scott. Today's his birthday. In case you're wondering, the Eagle Scout outfit does belong to him, and it was from Halloween.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THAT'S MY HOUSE!!! a pic of a boy scout possibly drunk on my porch- you forgot to add that! ahahahaha!

it comes in pints? i'm getting one!!!