Aug 3, 2005

There's a movie I'm dying to see. The bad news is, I don't know if it's coming to any theater in my town. The only multiplex in my town that shows independent movies has refused to show it, because of the vulgarity. Sure, there are a couple art house theaters in the area, but the chances are slim that it'll be shown there. The film is called The Aristocrats.

The concept is simple: nearly 100 comics tell the same, filthy joke. Same setup, same punchline. What sets the jokes apart is the middle. The setup is a performer goes into a talent agent to pitch an idea for a show. What changes from comic to comic is the middle part, which is the description of the act. Depending on the teller of the joke, it could include anything from incest, rape, murder, beastiality, bodily functions, etc.. It's just a long stream of the most vile, distustingly funnystuff that comes straight from the comics imagination. The punchline is: "What's the show called?" "The Aristocrats!"

The comics include George Carlin, Drew Carey, Robin Williams, Gilbert Gottfried. From what I've been told, the most disturbing one is from Bob Saget. BOB SAGET! WTF?!?

I'm dying to see this movie in a theater. It'd be a shame to have to wait for DVD. If anyone out there knows of a showing anywhere in the Tulsa Area, let me know, okay? There MAY be a extra value meal in it for you.

Here'a a pic I thought was hilarious, and the look on my friend Aliceson's face is quite fitting since it was taken at a Waffle House around 1 a.m.

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