Dec 4, 2006

Monday Night Caption Contest

Ohhhhhhh, it's beginning to look a lot like caption contest time! Post you captions to this picture in the comments section below. Hit me with your best shot. Fire away.

I've got two this week:

1. Note to Washington: Please don't do anything to piss off China. This is what their soldiers have to do instead of "Drop and give me twenty!".

2. China's censorship of the internet is getting really out of hand. If you Google the word "masonry", this is what you get...not the picture, they actually force you to bust bricks over your own head.

Last week's
winner was One Charmed Motherfucker, back in true form with the caption: "Wow. Yeah, you're right - I AM glad I looked at that before you flushed it. ...Jesus."

He also gets major bonus points for the best written dramatic pause EVER! ...Jesus.

UPDATE: One Charmed Motherfucker has protested his win, and I do agree with him to some degree. Anonymous' caption: " latest work. I call it...Tulsa Radio." was really good, but it was the "...Jesus" part that OCM's caption won it in my opinion. The decision stands.

In the spirit of democracy, I'll allow voting to take place in the future. So far, I've been the deciding vote, but if you like one in particular, let me know by emailing me at .

Oh, and no voting for yourself. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

The international effort in the war on terra cotta.

Anonymous said...

You see what this evil tile has done to my hand? You have your orders, soldier! Lose temper NOW!

Anonymous said...

Sir, I'm very sorry, Sir! My head slipped on a patch of ice! Please don't get the authorities involved, Sir!

Anonymous said...

Smiley always got the short end of the brick.