Aug 1, 2005

Today was my first day back after my vacation, and today was good, even though my other posts for the day were a bit moody.

My boss has successfully (so far) quit smoking, which makes his application for a concealed weapon permit a little easier to swallow, given how stressed out he was last week when he decided to quit.

I have new incentive to lose weight. I renewed my driver's license last week and today I realized that the DMV has listed me at the same weight since I was 16. Now I feel like I'm committing fraud. I've got twenty pounds left to lose just to make myself honest with the State. Which reminds me, I gotta get to bed...gotta walk in the morning.

And now, for no reason at all, this pic. "Yeah, I'll take a Pentium with a side of biscuits and gravy."


Anonymous said...

I find this thought to be too random for my tastes. Plus the word "spelunking" is no where to be found.

Where do I enter for the contest for the toaster?

Fritschie said...

Oddly enough, "Spelunking" is this friday's word of the day on my calendar. Look for it then.

The toaster contest is officially closed. The winner: ME. I had a hanckerin' for some toast and I couldn't help myself.

Fritschie said...

Remind me again about the Hampton Woods Apartments? I've slept since then.