Sep 1, 2005

Ah, laziness...

Today was full of work, but no motivation to get the job done other than the need to get it done. The ADD is always in full effect, but rather than giving into the temptation to goof off, I keep getting pissed off whenever a distraction came along. Creatively, I've been on auto-pilot for a while. I'm able to do whatever is needed to get done, but nothing is really inspiring me.

It's hard to admit when you've made a mistake, but I made a big one...tomorrow, I'll have to deal with the aftermath. My mantra for tonight is hiding out.

Even my fictional blog is feeling a little stale. The storyline I'm working on is something that's been bouncing around in my brain for a few years now, so the story is coming to me easily. It's an exercise in writing discipline at this point. What you see now is essentially the first draft. The great thing about this whole blog format is that I can go back and edit it if I need to later. Any feedback is welcome, folks. The link is off to the side.

Candy and her mom have made it safe and sound in Illinois. I hope they're having fun. The cats and I are doing just fine hanging out, eating junk food, watching TV. Later tonight, Arnie's Bar for beers...and friends, but mostly beer.

Speaking of which, here's today's pic...of a pint.

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