Sep 7, 2005

Fritschie, Dan Fritschie

I'm sitting on the couch, watching Die Another Day, one of the better Bond flick of recent years. The high water mark for me has always From Russia With Love, but I'll take a an occasional Dr. No or maybe a GoldenEye. I can't wait for Casino Royale, the one they're making right now, even though they fired Pierce Brosnan.

This kinda ties in with my post a couple days ago. I'd never make it as a spy. First of all, I have the reflexes of an aging sloth. Secondly, I'm too much of an attention whore to be undercover. Lastly, would you really want the fate of the world resting in the hands of a guy like me? A pacifist with a short fused temper (YOU IDIOT! What? Me? No, no problem here, sir...)?

You know who I wanna be? Q. however, knowing my luck, I'd end up being Q's assistant. I'd be the guy everything gets tested on. Kinda like Super Dave Osborne, but without the jumpsuit.

It did bum me out when the old Q died, but if there is ever a perfect replacement for that man, John Cleese was the first on my list. The audition would consist of one line: "Oh, grow up, 007."

A few weeks ago, I saw a BB gun at Wal-Mart that is a replica of a Walther PPK, the same gun used by James Bond. I'm thinking one day, when I've got some disposable income, I'll pick up one of those bad boys along with a soundtrack CD and set about some espionage. No matter where you go, you know there's a spy. Your job, find them!

On the other hand, I'll just end up being some nut with a BB gun. Oh well, a man can dream, can't he?

Here's one of my favorite accidental pics. Taken outside of Arnie's Bar. To the left is my friend Amanda, or at least her legs. To the right, Brian the bartender.

1 comment:

Fritschie said...

Dude, I don't know if your trying to be preachy, sardonic, self-righteous, poetic or just trying to work through the last month and a half of your word-a-day calendar.

Thanks for the comment, though.