Sep 3, 2005

The Aristocrats

Go see this movie. If your are in Tulsa, it's playing at the Circle 2 Cinema through September 15th.

It was even better than I had anticipated. The telling of the joke, which is done by up to 100 different comedians, is intercut with commentary about the joke, it's origins, it's formula, and how it works from person to person. The biggest surprise is Bob Saget, whose work on Full House and America's Funniest Home Videos has branded an image of him on the American psyche as the lamest comedian on the planet, but his telling of this, the most vulgar joke in human history, is nothing short of priceless.

What is the deal with movies this year? I just praised Bob Saget for being funny. Earlier this year, I was watching Sin City, where Mickey Rourke was in a scene with Carla Gugino's naked breasts, and God help me, I was watching him! Either I need help, or we're all witnessing the beginning of the end.

In keeping with the tone of The Aristocrats, here's a pic of a huge ass.

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