Sep 21, 2005

The Lappy is dead...Long live Lappy II!

The laptop, or Lappy, as I call it, died yesterday. Actually, the monitor died, which left the lower portion in a persistant vegetative state. The most logical and cheapest solution at this juncture was to buy another laptop just like it and transfer the contents over to it. Unfortunately, half the work we had in the art department was either on the Lappy, or could only be done on the Lappy.

That was just item one on our glitch list. Our plate/film processor had a motor blown on it. We were able to run some more plates and film on it while the part was being shipped in...until the film jammed...big, at a 45 degree the middle of a hot job...

That, and the copier crapped out on Monday. The leading theory is that these pieces of equipment belonged to the same union. If one was going down, they all were going on strike.

So now, I got the Lappy II, the processor is fixed, and we have a new copier. All things considered, my boss coughed up over two grand, and was not happy. The good news is, I completed all of the logjammed work in about two hours once everything is fixed.

The only thing left to do is convincing my other boss, who's on vacation this week, that everything would've gone to shit regardless of him being there.

Anyway, I've got chores to do, and I don't have a pic for the day.

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