Sep 18, 2005

The past coming back to make me feel kinda uneasy

Went down to the Scottish Games & Gathering last night. I apparently missed the games, and the gathering was thinning out. I hung out at the Ancient Order of Hibernians tent until Larkin took the stage. Funny...a German, hanging out with the Irish, at a Sottish festival. I should've been a man without a country.

After a few songs, I left to go down to Arnie's for Cairde Na Gael's CD release party. Jeez, that place was packed. I stayed out on the patio all night and it was still claustrophobic. At one point, I worked my way through the crowd to go to the men's room, and first ran into this girl that I sorta dated but now kinda has a reputation as the bar skank. A minute later, I ran in to my ex-girlfriend (the last official one before Candy), and made the conversation very brief. Later, back on the patio, ran inot the grilfriend I had before that one, and went on to having a conversation with another ex and her fiancee. Four exes in one night. I kept looking around for D.J. Jones from high school to show up.

I went home around midnight, grabbing a big mac along the way. I crawled into bed and fell right asleep.

Here's a pic from the Scottish Games. How often do you see two overweight belly dancers on a hill like this?

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